Monday, 14 March 2011

Working Towards My Poster

To create my poster for the celebration of 100 years of G F Smith I needed to develop on my hanging piece to create a new look. I decided to tone down my final piece and keep the poster even simpler. As my final piece is fairly basic and simple I thought it would look a bit odd if my poster was filled with complicated paper models, so I decided to just use one of the simple three shield shapes on its own rather than attaching a few together...

For my poster I decided to use four of these and to make them a part of the text on the poster. On one of the shapes I cut 100 in the centre of the shapes instead of the usual cut out section...

I then wrote the rest of the title of the exhibition across two more shapes and then Design Museum on the fourth. For the date I decided that as it was a celebration of paper it would be fun to use paper for the rest of my text instead of using a digital font, so I cut the date out of pink card and placed it underneath the four shapes. This includes paper in the title as well as showing and image of what the exhibition is about...

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